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Green Mark - HEP Opskrba was awarded the GREEN MARK - Sign of Excellence for the company brand and total operation for the ZelEn project: Green Energy from HEP's Hydropower Plants for Socially Responsible Companies.

GREENOVATION 2014. - Winner for the best total programme of the Croatian Green Economy for the ZelEn project: Green Energy from HEP's Hydropower Plants for Socially Responsible Companies.
The number of euros collected in the ZelEn Fund
Euro allocated to new renewable energy construction projects
0 t
Reduction of
CO2 emissions
Number of satisfied
ZelEn customers
Koliko je smanjenje CO2 emisije?
Korištenjem proizvoda ZelEn direktno utječete na smanjenje emisije CO2.
for the best total programme of the Croatian Green Economy